Legal note

Legal note

Data pursuant to Section 5 German Teleservices Act (TMG):
The provider and person in charge for the content and design of this page as well as the owner of the domain is:

skailark GmbH
Lenggrieser Str. 16
81371 Munich, Germany

Phone: +49 176 63860457

Seat of the company: Munich, Germany
Amtsgericht München, HRB 275102
VAT ID no: DE 342236141

[in the following Provider]

Website terms of use

Liability note
Despite having carefully checked the information stated on this website, the Provider cannot guarantee the correctness, completeness or practical feasibility thereof. This information does not replace professional advice but rather only serves as information about the services of the Provider. Therefore, the information may not be used by a third party or in any other way, especially in the absence of the examination of each individual case by the Provider. Accordingly, the Provider shall not be held liable for any damage caused by the uncoordinated usage of such content.

If this website provides external third-party links, the Provider does not regard their contents as its own by simply naming or linking to them and therefore shall not be held responsible for the content of these websites.

Legal and copyright notice
All of the content of this website (especially all photos, html-codes, texts and graphics), whose copyright and rights of use and exploitation have not been otherwise specified, are either owned by or licensed to the Provider and protected by national and international law. Usage of the content, especially reproduction and processing without the prior express written permission of the Provider, is not permitted.

Product general terms of use (SaaS)

The Provider operates software as a SaaS or Cloud solution. The general terms of use for this product can be accessed here.